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“Shower time,” he declares triumphantly.
“Put me down!” I try and fail to sound disapproving.
My struggle is futile — his arm is firmly clamped over my thighs — and for some reason I cannot stop giggling.
When he’s finished, he marches directly into his overlarge shower.
“Christian!” I scold loudly — his intent is now clear.
switches the water on at max. Jeez! Arctic water spurts over my
backside, and I squeal — then stop, mindful once more that José is above
us. It’s cold and I’m fully clothed. The chilling water soaks into my
dress, my panties, and my bra. I’m drenched and I cannot stop giggling.
I squeal. “Put me down!” I swat him again, harder this time, and
Christian releases me, letting me slide down his now soaked body. His
white shirt is stuck to his chest and his suit pants are sodden. I am soaked, too,
flushed, giddy and breathless, and he’s grinning down at me, looking so…so unbelievably hot.
It’s just the two of us beneath the cascading water.
He’s back, he’s safe, he’s mine.
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